Heat Mitigation

Man drinking water from plastic bottle sillhouetted against orange sky signaling extreme heat

Biden Administration Announces Federal Heat Safety Policies

As extreme heat waves become more common and widespread, the administration is directing federal resources to heat mitigation efforts.

July 31, 2023 - NBC 4

Side-by-side photos of hand holding thermometer above pavement; left photo shows 119 degrees, right photo shows 110 degrees, illustrating the effect of a cool pavement treatment.

‘Cool Community’ Project Yields Promising Results

A ten-block area in one of L.A.’s most heat-prone neighborhoods saw significant reductions in surface and air temperature thanks to an innovative street treatment that could help communities around the country mitigate the impacts of extreme heat.

July 30, 2023 - Diana Ionescu

Blurred image of ciy skyline with orange filter indicating extreme heat

How to Scale Up Heat Mitigation

As heat waves intensify, cities are seeking out heat mitigation techniques that can be applied widely and benefit entire neighborhoods.

July 25, 2023 - Smart Cities Dive

Children playing in a Los Angeles schoolyard

Los Angeles Parents Demand Greener Schoolyards

With asphalt temperatures reaching as much as 150 degrees, parents and advocates are asking the city’s school district to provide more shade, trees, and other heat mitigation features on its schoolyards and playgrounds.

August 24, 2022 - CBS Los Angeles

Paint roller coating basketball court with blue cooling coating

This Street Treatment Fights Extreme Heat

Applied to streets, parking lots, and other asphalt surfaces, a reflective epoxy coating can lower temperatures by as much as 10 degrees and cool neighborhoods vulnerable to extreme heat.

August 2, 2022 - Bloomberg

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