
Chicago Transit

Chicago Transit Still Stumbling After Redesign

The city’s transit agency made changes to its schedules to make wait times more predictable and streamline services on the most popular routes, but riders are still experiencing headways longer than before the pandemic.

February 15, 2023 - Chicago Tribune

"Bike Lane Closed" and "Utility Work Ahead" signs on Chicago bike lane

Chicago Bike Lane Enforcement Proposal Draws Criticism for not Addressing Structural Flaws

A new ordinance would use automated enforcement to ticket drivers who block bike lanes, but some bike advocates say the city is avoiding the harder work of improving its bike infrastructure.

February 9, 2023 - Block Club Chicago

Crosswalk in Chicago with newly installed yellow delineators and speed bumps

Chicago Left Turn Traffic Calming Reduces Crashes

The city installed reflective posts and speed bumps at dangerous intersections to induce drivers to take left turns more slowly and carefully.

January 24, 2023 - Axios

Two Chicago elevated trains with city buildings in background

Chicago Transportation Advocates Launch ‘Safe Streets for All’ Coalition

The group brings together advocates for road safety and better transit in the hope of influencing local elections and city policy.

January 12, 2023 - Streetsblog Chicago

Google Street View of empty construction site with blue construction fence

Chicago Sears Redevelopment To Include Medical Facility, Housing

Developers have announced details about the long-awaited renaissance of a shuttered West Side Sears store.

December 29, 2022 - Block Club Chicago

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago To Issue Climate Resilience Grants

Small businesses and nonprofits are eligible for a $5 million fund designed to help the city reach its emissions reduction goals.

December 26, 2022 - Smart Cities Dive

Red "Vote Here" sign with white text and arrow pointing left on green lawn next to curb

The Crucial Role of Suburban Voters in the Midterms

Suburban voters were instrumental in preventing a 'red wave' on Election Day and on December 6 in the Georgia U.S. Senate runoff election, enabling the Democrats to win a 51st Senate seat.

December 25, 2022 - CNN

Black bike counter with cyclists passing by on Manchester, UK bike path

Chicago Gets its First Bike Counter

After years of failed efforts to install bike counters, the city finally has its first counter at the corner of Chicago Avenue and Wells Street.

December 21, 2022 - Streetsblog Chicago

View from back of person in black clothes and hat waiting to board train at Chicago train station with blurry train in front of them.

Chicago Awarded Federal Funding for Accessible Train Stations

The city received a federal grant geared toward improving accessibility at CTA and Metra stations, close to a third of which lack ADA compliance.

December 20, 2022 - Chicago Tribune

Row of brick townhomes in Chicago

Chicago’s ‘Teardown Tax’ Slowing the Loss of Two-Flats

A demolition fee designed to preserve affordable housing in older buildings has had some impact on the city’s housing supply.

December 15, 2022 - Bloomberg CityLab

CTA Red Line

Update: Chicago Red Line Extension TIF Approved

The long-anticipated project that will bring the Chicago Transit Authority rail system into transit deserts on the Southside of Chicago is making substantial progress.

December 14, 2022 - WBEZ

Bus Priority Zones

Chicago Makes ‘Pop-Up’ Bus Lanes Permanent

Even with the addition of 3.5 miles of permanent bus-only lanes, Chicago trails other cities in miles of dedicated bus lanes.

December 12, 2022 - Streetsblog Chicago

CHicago elevated train passing by brick buildings

Chicago Transit Faces Steep Budget Gap

The region’s transit riders could see major fare hikes and reduced service if agencies don’t find new ways to make up for reduced fare revenues.

December 11, 2022 - Smart Cities Dive

Two Chicago elevated trains with city buildings in background

Scorecard Will Track Chicago Transit Recovery

A new scorecard from the Chicago Transit Authority will update the public on the agency’s progress on key issues like service delivery, frequency, and infrastructure improvements.

October 25, 2022 - Streetsblog Chicago

Vacant lot in Chicago, Illinois with skyline in background

Chicago To Boost Vacant Lot Sales Program

The city hopes its incentives to buyers will help convert the thousands of city-owned vacant lots into housing, green space, or other productive uses.

October 19, 2022 - Bloomberg CityLab

A image of the World's Columbian Exposition overlayed with a picture of Keanu Reeves in the rain from the movie Point Break.

Keanu Reeves, Daniel Burnham Dream No Longer a Reality

Keanu Reeves will no longer portray Daniel Burnham in a film adaptation of The Devil in the White City.

October 13, 2022 - Variety

People waiting at a Chicago bus stop

Electric ‘Jitneys’ Seek to Close Last-Mile Gaps

Two companies focusing on hyper-local trips want to bring more transit and services within reach of Chicago’s underserved Black neighborhoods.

October 5, 2022 - NextCity

Street Construction

Opinion: Traffic Calming Shouldn’t Be Optional

Road infrastructure that fails to make dangerous driving behavior feel risky to drivers is ineffective in protecting pedestrians and people on bikes.

September 21, 2022 - Streetsblog Chicago

Aerial view of homes west of downtown Chicago, Illinois

Chicago ADUs Concentrated in More Affluent Neighborhoods

An analysis of city-issued permits shows that homeowners in gentrified wards are building accessory dwelling units at much higher rates than those in less well-off communities.

September 18, 2022 - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Transit Authority

The Role of Segregation in Traffic Deaths

Research from Chicago suggests that the city’s traffic calming infrastructure is concentrated in the most affluent neighborhoods, contributing to higher rates of road deaths in lower-income neighborhoods.

September 16, 2022 - WTTW

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