
Black pumpjack oil derrick with houses in background

Advancing Equity Through Conservation and Restoration

Los Angeles County's Parks Needs Assessment Plus (PNA+) makes the case that to be equitable, 30x30 efforts must include both conservation of additional natural lands and restoration of degraded lands.

March 13, 2023 - World Urban Parks Blog

UN and New York City, Climate Week NYC 2020 is kicked off with a "March For Climate Justice NYC" on September 20, 2020 in New York City.

Environmental Justice Advocates Criticize Federal Assessment Tool

A tool designed to guide federal grant distribution may not prioritize the highest-need communities, while conflicting grant guidelines create challenges for local agencies.

March 9, 2023 - Route Fifty

View down a Los Angeles street with cars and tall palm trees on both sides

Study: L.A.’s Wealthier Residents ‘Export’ Air Pollution to Poorer Neighborhoods

Residents of Los Angeles who drive less are exposed to higher rates of air pollution due to policies that have encouraged commuting through low-income neighborhoods.

March 7, 2023 - USC Sol Price School of Public Policy

Cadillac Escalade SUV driving toward camera on black asphalt road surrounded by forest

SUVs Are Taking a Toll on the Environment

Even with the growth of electric vehicles, experts say the trend toward larger, heavier vehicles is inherently incompatible with environmental goals.

March 7, 2023 - The New Yorker

North Carolina

North Carolina Drafts Clean Transportation Plan

Similar to other plans focused on reducing emissions from the transportation plan, North Carolina’s draft Clean Transportation Plan will rely on electric vehicles to reduce emissions from the state’s transportation sector.

March 7, 2023 - Government Technology

Rendering of underground stormwater capture system in Adventure Park in Whittier, California

The Importance of Multi-Benefit Projects for Stormwater Capture and Recreation

Los Angeles County just broke ground on a $41 million stormwater capture project at Adventure Park in Whittier.

March 6, 2023 - Spectrum News 1

Echo Park Lake with tall artesian fountain, palm trees and apartment buildings in background.

Reimagining Conservation to Prioritize Vulnerable Communities

Learn more about Los Angeles County's Parks Needs Assessment Plus (PNA+) which focuses on environmental conservation and restoration, regional recreation, and rural recreation.

March 6, 2023 - Parks & Recreation Magazine

Town of St. George, Utah with small white church and red rock cliffs in background

Can Southwest Utah’s Water Supply Handle its Explosive Growth?

A remote corner of the state is the nation’s fastest-growing metro area, but concerns about water supplies across the Southwest signal an uncertain future.

March 5, 2023 - CNN

Sandbags in a flood with flooded buildings in background

U.S. Houses Facing Increased Flood Risk Overvalued by as Much as $237 Billion, Study Says

Housing markets are failing to price in climate risks in their assessment of housing values, according to a recent study published by Nature.

March 3, 2023 - Nature

Bus stop in downtown Los Angeles with billboard and no bench or shelter

Study: One-Quarter of L.A. County Bus Stops Equipped With Shelters

Bus riders in Los Angeles frequently lack protection from sun and extreme heat, with bus stops in some of the county’s hottest areas having the worst amenities.

February 27, 2023 - Smart Cities Dive

Resilience Matters: Collective Action For Healthier Communities

The Island Press Urban Resilience Project (URP) has published a new, free "Resilience Matters" e-book that contains fascinating articles, op-eds, and interviews that provide practical guidance for collective action to build a fairer, greener future.

February 27, 2023 - Resilience Matters: Collective Action for Healthier Communities

An image of Washington D.C. with highways and the streaks from car head and tail lights in the foreground, and the Washington Monument in the background.

Federal Union: Remote Work Is Climate-Friendly

Federal workers are pushing back on a return to the office, citing the environmental benefits of eliminating daily commuting.

February 24, 2023 - The Washington Post

View of empty beach with wooden fishing pier going out into Atlantic Ocean at sunset in New Jersey

New Jersey Offshore Wind Projects Face Opposition

Local critics of Gov. Phil Murphy’s plan to install hundreds of wind turbines off the New Jersey coast plan to sue the state to stop or delay the projects, citing aesthetic, environmental, and economic concerns.

February 23, 2023 - Governing

Unhoused tents under shade canopies in downtown Los Angeles, California

Extreme Heat Responsible for Growing Death Rates Among Unhoused People

Extreme heat events like the ‘heat dome’ that baked Southern California last summer kill a disproportionate number of people experiencing homelessness, who have fewer resources to protect themselves from the scorching sun.

February 21, 2023 - Los Angeles Times

A button to start a car reads “2023 Start”

Planning Trends to Watch in 2023

The days and weeks since the arrival of Covid-19 have been filled with so much noise about the future, it’s been difficult to distinguish between big stories and frivolous distractions. Planetizen is here to help.

February 21, 2023 - James Brasuell

A view of the Pacific Ocean and California coastline from high in the Santa Monica Mountains.

California's Wildlife Conservation Board Funds Projects to Restore and Protect Habitats

The Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) just approved approximately $51.83 million in grants to help restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat throughout California.

February 20, 2023 - California Department of Fish and Wildlife


Planting More Trees to Protect and Save Lives

A new study estimates that more than a third of premature deaths from excessive heat can be prevented by planting more trees in cities.

February 20, 2023 - World Economic Forum

Gray chemical cloud seen from a distance from train derailment in Palestine, Ohio

Friday Funny: ‘Deregulation Works’

A tongue-in-cheek piece from The Onion calls the disastrous train derailment in Ohio a “deregulation success story.”

February 17, 2023 - The Onion

Close-up of wood-frame houses under construction with mountains in the background against sunset sky

Utah Governor: Californians, Stay Home

Gov. Spencer Cox urged Californians considering the move to Utah to stay put, highlighting the state’s rapid growth and the strain on resources like water and housing.

February 16, 2023 - Los Angeles Times

Central Park

Economic Benefits of New York City Parks

A new study by the Trust for Public Land identifies the benefits and fiscal impacts of public parks and open spaces in New York City.

February 13, 2023 - Esri Blog

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