Highway Widening

I-45 and I-69

I-45 Widening Plan Nears the Finish Line in Houston

The public is getting a chance to give feedback on the city's proposed changes to a project that would realign and widen Interstate 45 near downtown Houston.

January 30, 2020 - Houston Chronicle


Governor's Transportation and Climate Actions Stir Controversy in California

California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order last month directing state agencies to consider climate goals in their spending and operations. Two weeks later, three highway widening projects were deleted, and locals are crying foul.

October 18, 2019 - Streetsblog California

Virginia Interstate Widening Would Convert Free Lanes to Toll Lanes

The Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization is proposing a 45-mile network of high-occupancy toll lanes on I–64 that includes conversions of 16 miles of carpool and three miles of general-purpose lanes. No unpriced lanes would be added.

September 30, 2019 - The Virginian-Pilot

Natural Fort, Colorado

As Community's Colorado's Front Range Grows, Road Planning Follows

Transportation planners are creating extra road capacity to keep up with sprawling development in the I-25 corridor in Colorado's Northern Front Range.

September 19, 2019 - The Denver Post

Interstate Freeways

Debating Freeway Expansion Projects Around Louisville

Several large freeway expansion projects are in various stages of planning and development in the Louisville region of Kentucky. Critics say the projects reflect an obsolete approach to planning and will hurt the state and the city.

June 18, 2019 - WDRB

Wisconsin State Capital

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers Proposes Gas Tax Hike

The eight-cents-per-gallon gas tax increase is one of several measures in the Democrat governor's first budget that marks a major departure from the the tenure of former Republican Gov. Scott Walker.

March 8, 2019 - Wisconsin Public Radio

Willamette River

Environmental Assessment for I-5 Improvement Project in Portland Promises Air, Traffic, Safety Benefits

The environmental assessment for the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project, released on February 15, 2019, promises to be controversial.

February 17, 2019 - The Oregonian

Interstate 495

Local Control Proposed to Halt Toll Road Progress in Maryland

State legislators want counties to be able to veto toll projects proposed by Governor Larry Hogan.

February 12, 2019 - The Washington Post

Interstate 30, Tom Landry Freeway

The City of Dallas Rejects the State of Texas on Plans to Widen Interstate 30

A plan to widen the Interstate 30 in Dallas is pitting state transportation officials, with ostensible goals to serve regional transportation needs, against local officials, who are more concerned with "neighborhood-centric ideals."

January 30, 2019 - The Dallas Morning News

Northern California Toll Lane

Toll Lane Expansion in Inland Empire Begins After Voters Reject Gas Tax Repeal

The day after California voters soundly rejected a repeal of a one-year old 12-cents gas tax increase and new annual vehicle registration fees. the Riverside County Transportation Commission launched a study to extend toll lanes on Interstate 15.

November 20, 2018 - The Press Enterprise

Big Changes Proposed for I-81 in Virginia

The Virginia Department of Transportation is proposing $2 billion worth of changes to Interstate 81 in Roanoke.

October 28, 2018 - The Roanoke Times


Study Reveals the Futility of Building Out of Congestion

Even if widening highways enough to relieve all congestion were possible, it would only benefit a very small number of commuters, according to new research.

September 19, 2018 - Streetsblog USA

Interstate 495

Local Concern Grows Over Maryland's Plans to Widen Interstates

Montgomery County officials are concerned about the details of a massive $9 billion public-private partnership that would widen three highways in Maryland with the support of Governor Larry Hogan.

September 14, 2018 - Bethesda Magazine

Interstate Freeway System

I-405 Widening Ready to Launch Outside Seattle

A major road-widening project will begin construction next year. The project is a long time coming for a fast-growing region, but the final product will reflect a new approach to highway funding.

September 11, 2018 - The Seattle Times

Bay Bridge Toll

Another Reason Motorists Should Support Road Tolling

Two things motorists detest: tolls and congestion. Tolls, if effectively applied, lessen congestion, but at a high cost to drivers. However, steep tolls also provide a political incentive to "fix the bottlenecks," as shown by the 66 Express Lanes.

September 4, 2018 - WTOP

Freeway Construction

Toll and Tax, or Just Tax, to Pay for Highway Expansion?

A political decision by the Texas Transportation Commission last December to drop projects which included toll lanes was thought to doom 15 road expansions from their 10-year capital plan, but some will go forward with HOV as opposed to HOT lanes.

August 31, 2018 - Austin American-Statesman

Street plan.

Lake Shore Drive Proposal Inspires Debate

Take a car lane or widen Lake Shore Drive? That's the question facing state and local officials in Chicago.

July 25, 2018 - Chicago Tribune

Attacking Auto-Dependency by Attacking Auto Subsidies

It's not the car but the driving subsidy that is responsible for many of the ills associated with auto dominance. Asking, "How do we get people out of cars?" is the wrong question, argues Joe Cortright, urban economist for City Observatory.

July 22, 2018 - City Observatory

Dallas Highways

Induced Demand: Why Highways Still Reign in Dallas

Regional planners and Dallas officials aren't confident that the area's highway-centric worldview (and budget) will change anytime soon. The city's competitiveness in the national job market may be on the line.

July 7, 2018 - D Magazine


Nine Highway Expansions Identified as Worst Boondoggles of 2018

In a new report, U.S. PIRG and the Frontier Group describe nine costly highway projects amounting to $30 billion in their fourth annual "Highway Boondoggles" report. All share the theme of induced travel demand.

July 2, 2018 - Frontier Group

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